Wayne Dyer suggests that our attachment to being right stems from our ego and a fear of being wrong however, for us to be right, we have to make someone else be wrong. This then triggers their fear and leads to anger. Matters can quickly escalate with all parties holding on to their own righteous anger. So, how do we let go of the attachment to wanting to be right at all costs? Dr Dyer proposes that you reply, "you're right about that" to the other person. I find that quite difficult to do especially if I don't actually agree with them! In almost all cases though, I ask myself if it really matters that they have a different viewpoint to me and, it usually doesn't. I don't have to be right and it becomes easier to let it go and not feel anger. I am working on hearing what they have to say and keeping an open heart and mind. I try to reply with "that's an interesting point" or "tell me more". I don't have to agree with them but I don't have to put them into the wrong either. I can just walk away. I can also choose to positively support the things that I believe in rather than fighting others.
We are all human beings trying to find our way in the world. The information, people and attitudes we surround ourselves with subtly feed our beliefs. If we try to live with peace, compassion and understanding these will, in turn, flow from us and spread out into the world.