Wednesday, 9 October 2019

My Heal Your Life Coaching and Teaching Journey - so far..........

Louise Hay was an international, best-selling author, metaphysical lecturer and teacher. The book which brought her fame was  “You Can Heal Your Life”. She developed her philosophies into an accessible format which anyone can apply to their own lives. Louise helped people, worldwide, to discover and implement their own power for personal growth and healing. This simple, yet powerful, philosophy states that we are 100% responsible for our own experiences and that every thought we think creates our future. The point of power is in the present moment. Underlying this is the core belief that NO MATTER WHAT THE PROBLEM, LOVING YOURSELF IS PART OF THE SOLUTION.

I first became aware of Louise Hay’s work about twenty years ago when I, by chance, discovered her book. Something about it resonated with me. I think it was its uncluttered simplicity coupled with the profound, easily accessible philosophy. I began to put some of the ideas into practise in my own life and began to see small changes. I became interested in learning more so I signed up for a Weekend Transformational Workshop. This was an intense and truly life changing experience. I was able to go deep within and to start my own healing journey. I followed this up with a ten week study course which enabled me to continue to grow and develop. At that time, I remember thinking that I would love to be able to teach this work and bring it to others. I tried to make it part of my life and to live it for myself. I saw, and continue to see, many changes as a result of living this way.
I have always worked in education and over the years, while working with students, I was able to use much of what I had learnt. I came into contact with a lot of people who had mental health issues and, more recently, Aspberger Syndrome and I was able to share strategies and techniques with them.
In 2017, I had the opportunity to take the Heal Your Life® Teacher and Workshop Leader training and, twenty years to the month from my attendance on that first course, I qualified as a HYL teacher. In 2018, I did the advanced training and became a Coach. In January of this year, I took the step of giving up my employment as a specialist tutor to focus on my work as a Heal Your Life® Coach, Teacher and Workshop Leader.
In the past, I have always been employed by someone so, when I left the security of paid employment, I began to think about how I wanted to take my work forward and that’s where Link4Growth/Link4Business comes in! I realised that as well as wanting to set up a successful business, I wanted to be part of my community. I discovered our local group and went to a coffee event. The next thing I knew, I was part of the PHS group. I then developed a collaboration with another member, Caroline Byrne. Caroline is a Leith trained chef and nutritionist. We have joined forces to present an 8 week course, “Reframe Your Thinking for a Happier Healthier You”. This course incorporates Louise Hay philosophies and techniques for loving and accepting yourself. It supports participants to explore the underlying patterns  that have led them to overeat or gain weight and offers ways to examine and change old behaviours. Caroline teaches participants practical cooking skills for a healthier life. She includes ways to eat “smarter” and how to be mindful of what they eat.
In the future, alongside my other work,  I hope to be able to run some more groups and be involved in more collaborations.

I can offer a variety of small group workshops and can tailor them to meet the participants’ needs. Some of the topics I cover in workshops include;

Building Your Self-Esteem
First Steps to Loving Yourself
Prosperity Consciousness
Healing Your Heart After Loss
Vision Boards and Intention
Goddess Workshop – The Ageless Woman

2 day Weekend Transformational Workshop
10 week Study Course

8 week Reframe Your Thinking For A Happier Healthier You (in collaboration with Caroline Byrne)

All the workshops incorporate exercises that Louise Hay pioneered including mirror work, affirmations, forgiveness, inner child work, meditation and visualisation etc. There is space for group work, working alone sharing - and some fun! The workshop space is a safe one where participants are free to explore within and to share, learn and grow.

My coaching work employs the same philosophy and techniques as the workshops. Coaching allows a person to work one to one and to examine the areas where they feel stuck, blocked or lost. As a coach, I do not try to fix my clients, rather I listen deeply and compassionately, hear their story, ask questions and make suggestions. I will guide clients to include the HYL techniques and inner work into their lives and I support each individual to find balance and clarity on their own healing journey. It is a shared process between equals.

All Heal Your Life® work incorporates a non-denominational, spiritual aspect. It recognises that there is a universal power and an inner presence that supports us. We guide our clients to become aware of, and to access, the intuitive part of themselves. This type of work fits within most philosophies and belief systems.

If you would like to know more about either 1-1 Coaching or group workshops then please feel free to contact me.

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