Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Sailing Into The Unknown

Sometimes it is hard to see the path in front of you. You may have an idea of where you want to be or what you want to to do but no idea of how to actually get there. This can be difficult and unsettling, particularly if, like me, you like to be in control of events! This is not always possible. We cannot control external influences but we can control how we respond to them. Things don't always seem to go our way and we can struggle against people and events or we can go with "the flow". That's not to say we have to put up with the unacceptable because we most certainly don't. In these situations, we must act with positive intention to keep ourselves safe. It is different however, if you don't like the direction of travel because you can't see where you are going or you are going in a different direction to the way you planned. In that case, try going with the flow and see where it takes you. Metaphors of rivers, the sea and water are often used and help to illustrate the point. In "Creative Visualisation" by Shakti Gawain, she suggests imagining life as a river. Many people cling to the bank and are afraid to let go. They spend their lives fighting against the flow. If you dare to let go and trust you will be carried safely,  you will see that you may meander along or sometimes you may go fast, sometimes in a straight line and sometimes on a winding route but you will eventually get to where you are going.

This is something I try to remember as I navigate the changes in my own life. It is not always easy and I sometimes have to take a breath and step back. I ask myself what I am fighting against or what am I afraid of? Sometimes it's just change itself or a fear of the unknown. I tell myself, "it is safe to go with the flow". I remind myself that no matter how turbulent the waters around me are, if I take control of myself and create inner calm then outer calm will follow and I am safe as I sail forward into the unknown.

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